Snow Removal

The department is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When a snowfall begins, crews start salting and snow removal immediately on major streets and school areas, followed as soon as possible by residential streets. City ordinance Section 74-188 states: “No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited snow, ice or slush on any roadway or alley.” When plowing the streets the DPW cannot avoid snow being pushed into driveway approaches. When clearing your driveway and approach please place the snow on either side of the driveway or approach. As a courtesy to our neighbors and in order to avoid a citation, all residents are requested to comply with the ordinance by not shoveling or blowing snow into the street before or after we have plowed. Please notify your snow removal company of this requirement.

Residents are responsible for clearing snowfall of less than two inches. The City only plows sidewalks when there is at least four inches of frost in the ground and there is two or more inches of snow. Damaged sod or sprinkler systems on private property should be reported to the Department of Public Works. Repairs will be made in the spring.